Saturday 20 April 2013

Final Sound

When we were trying to find a piece of music to be played in the background of our film clip, we wanted something creepy, simple and mainly instrumental. We came across a few pieces of music that we thought would be suitable, but nothing that really grabbed our attention.
The two pieces of music that we were eventually chosing between are these two:

-insert sound-

 But we still felt that they were a little too generic and cheesy.
My friend then sent me an e-mail with his bands EP and after listening to the song 'Things ARN'T What They Seem' I felt that the piano intro and outro would be perfect for our film. After showing the sound clip to the rest of the group, we decided that this is the piece of music that we wanted to use. I asked the bands permission to use the track and they said yes if we could credit them in the titles. They also mentioned that once the film was completed that they would put it on their website. This would be both good marketing for our film and for their music.

Due to the fact that they had already fully edited the song, we had to cut the middle section out of the clip. We did this using audacity as it made it much easier to make sure the two sections that we were using fit together smoothly. We also faded in the clip at the beginning so that it would flow nicely into the clip. We also split the clip so that it would also fade into a vocal part in the song that we though would fit well with the themes of the film.

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