Wednesday 24 April 2013

Kate's Filming Day Diary

We filmed our opening on the 18th March 2013. All of our group turned up at my (Kate's) house at 6pm, including our 5 actors. Unfortunately, one of our actors could not make it, so we had to divide up their characters lines amongst the other 5 that turned up, which was an annoyance as it used up time in which we could have been filming.

Before our actors arrived, we'd set up all props and made sure we were organised so that when the actors arrived we could dive straight into filming.

All of our actors learnt their lines before hand so they were all prepared and organised. Before filming we ran through it a few times to make sure we were ready to film without any mishaps or difficulties.

The first shot we filmed was the outside shot of the garden, but we re-did this several times throughout 2 hours meaning we could get a day, dusk and night shot. We did this so that we could choose which lighting worked best for the genre of film. We eventually chose the "Dusk" shot as it worked perfectly with the theme.

I was in charge of lighting, location and partly filming, as we all filmed equal amounts of the opening. With lighting, my lounge had a dimmer switch, meaning we could adjust the lighting with ease to match the feel of the genre we chose. Also, before the other group members arrived, I set up my lounge so that it was suitable to film in, such as moving some furniture so that we had a decent amount of space to move around.

We managed to film our entire piece in just under 3 hours. We had some difficulties such as the absence of an actor, but we managed to overcome this problem and carry of filming. If we were to film again I would be more organised with our actors and make sure we filmed in a shorter and more precise amount of time.

By Kate Farrell

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