Friday 12 April 2013

Mise en scene consideration

Mise en scene is a major part of film as it gives the audience messages and hidden meaning towards the film from the begening, this can also be enjoyable to audience members who have seen the film once before and pick up new meanings to  the film.

Tis is a list of our mise en scene for our film opening:

  • For the lighting of our opening, we are planning to use artificial lighting to create a brighter setting in the living room to connote the characters being blinded from the supernatural events that will eventually happen.

  • The costumes are all to fit each character. The little sister will be in clothing which is appropriate but baggy to highlight that it was passed down from her older sister, helping to carry the theme of generations. The costumes also are going to help portray stereotypical characters in a subtle way.

  • The cloth that the home made Ouija board will be sitting on will be red to connote the danger that the Ouija board will bring.

  • The homemade Ouija board will connote the innocence of the girls as they don't know what they are doing, highlighting the incompetence of the girls, making them the stereotypical victims of the horror genre.

  • The lighting will portray dusk, this will connote that the danger is just beginning as dusk is the beginning of the night.

  • One of the sleeping bags in shot was red to connote the blood that will be spilt.

  • The nusic played will be a mix of suspenceful music and a rock song which will be a juxtaposition towards the girls as they are steriotypically shows as girls who wouldnt listen to the music being played, highlighting how they are involved in dangerous themes.

  • The shots of the family photos connote the themes of generations and tell the audience that they will have more meaning later on in the film.

By Amy Coster

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