Friday 3 May 2013

Final Cut

By Kate Farrell, Amy Coster, Abbey Tredget and Rebecca Murden

Friday 26 April 2013

Rough Cut 2

In this cut we have some titles added but we don't have the font that we wish to use yet. We plan to add the rest of the titles and our logo. We plan on re-ordering the clip so that the Ouija board is closer to the beginning so we can have a conventional title sequence.
We also plan on cutting some of the dialoge where our actors speak to fast and is hard for the audience to understand.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


By Rebecca Murden

Kate's Filming Day Diary

We filmed our opening on the 18th March 2013. All of our group turned up at my (Kate's) house at 6pm, including our 5 actors. Unfortunately, one of our actors could not make it, so we had to divide up their characters lines amongst the other 5 that turned up, which was an annoyance as it used up time in which we could have been filming.

Before our actors arrived, we'd set up all props and made sure we were organised so that when the actors arrived we could dive straight into filming.

All of our actors learnt their lines before hand so they were all prepared and organised. Before filming we ran through it a few times to make sure we were ready to film without any mishaps or difficulties.

The first shot we filmed was the outside shot of the garden, but we re-did this several times throughout 2 hours meaning we could get a day, dusk and night shot. We did this so that we could choose which lighting worked best for the genre of film. We eventually chose the "Dusk" shot as it worked perfectly with the theme.

I was in charge of lighting, location and partly filming, as we all filmed equal amounts of the opening. With lighting, my lounge had a dimmer switch, meaning we could adjust the lighting with ease to match the feel of the genre we chose. Also, before the other group members arrived, I set up my lounge so that it was suitable to film in, such as moving some furniture so that we had a decent amount of space to move around.

We managed to film our entire piece in just under 3 hours. We had some difficulties such as the absence of an actor, but we managed to overcome this problem and carry of filming. If we were to film again I would be more organised with our actors and make sure we filmed in a shorter and more precise amount of time.

By Kate Farrell

Abbey's Filming Day Diary

18th March 2013
Before the actors arrived at Kate's house at 6pm, her and Becca set up the equipment and filmed the exterior shots before we lost too much light.
Once me and Amy arrived we were able to set up the table with the cloth and ouija board and also put the different props around the room. We were also able to test the magnets that we used to move the cursor on the ouija board. The two magnets that we were originally going to use were too strong and ran the risk of scratching or breaking the glass panels in the table that the ouija board was placed on. We were able to find a weaker magnet which we were also able to cut to the perfect shape and size to fit the cursor, which gave us a much better effect with the movement of it.
One of our actors could no longer make it so we had to cut one of the characters and divide the lines between the four actors so that it would still make sense to the audience and they wouldn't be able to tell that we were missing an actor. This made preparation take longer than expected as the remaining actors had to learn the extra lines. We had a few run throughs before we started filming to ensure that the actors knew their lines, were comfortable with how the scenes would run and could ask any questions about the scenes if they needed to.
We all took part in the filming process to ensure that we all had a clear idea of how the equipment worked and so that we could all show the footage how we had individually invisioned it. We filmed each of the shots three times so that we would have plenty of footage to work from when it came to editing.

By Abbey Tredget

Rebecca's Filming Day Dairy

Before our actors arrived, at 6pm, me and Kate set up all the camaras and props so that we could get into filming straight away.
Also before our actors arrived i did a quick film of the begining our opening, outside in kates garden. This was incase i got to dark to film later and to see how smooth the camara would be handheld.
One of our actors didnt arrive which mant that we had to split the script between our actors and try to make the script make sence. This was time consuming and ment we where later filming then we wanted. Luckly all actors came prepared with their lines learnt which ment we only needed to do 2 run throughs to make sure spacing and lighting worked.
Throughout the evening we did 2 more outside shots, duck and night, so that we could have a choice of which one fit the genre better.
We split the filming between us all so that we all had a chance to get our view on the scene. i was incharge of the close up shots of the actors as they spoke. this was awkward due to the table being in the middle. This ment that i had to have the camara handheld and lean over the table.
We filmed the whole piece in about 3 hours. This included our problem with actors and shotting everything atleast 3 times. Overall i feel we worked well and productivly. To improve next time i would me more organised with actors and have backup scrips incase of a absence.

By Rebecca Murden

Amy's Filming day Diary

During the 18th of March, we set the date for our filming. We organised our five actors to meet us the our filming location at 6pm and unfortunately one of our actors did not turn up, to sort out this situation, we divided the lines to the other actors to make the script still work, we spent an hour setting up and rehearsing the words with our actors, so they were totally clear on what they needed to say, especially with the extra lines given.

[insert picture]

During our preliminary task, we struggled with our editing as we had a very small amount of footage to use, so to prevent this, we decided to film everything at least three times and in various shots for example close-ups and mid shots so that if we decided that one shot didn’t work, we would have lots of footage to work with rather than just being stuck with the limited shots we had.

 [insert picture]

It took a few hours to film everything we needed and we ended up with half an hours’ worth of footage for a two minute opening. We made sure that we could do as much as we could in the time we had. For the beginning of our opening we wanted to have an establishing shot where we track through the house with the girls chatting behind them, however we didn’t anticipate one of our actors being missing so we ended up filming the scene later than we wanted and had issues with the lighting and we have to work through editing to move an existing shot which is had better lighting but with no actors in it and mix it with a darker shot but only use the inside where the actors are seen.

 All our actors were prepared and were auditioned so we knew that they can take direction and with different actors I believe we would have taken up more filming time as they were all focused and we were able to obtain the shots we wanted.  

The evening went well and I felt that if we were more organised previously to the build-up to filming, we would have been even more efficient than we already were.

By Amy Coster