Wednesday 24 April 2013

Abbey's Filming Day Diary

18th March 2013
Before the actors arrived at Kate's house at 6pm, her and Becca set up the equipment and filmed the exterior shots before we lost too much light.
Once me and Amy arrived we were able to set up the table with the cloth and ouija board and also put the different props around the room. We were also able to test the magnets that we used to move the cursor on the ouija board. The two magnets that we were originally going to use were too strong and ran the risk of scratching or breaking the glass panels in the table that the ouija board was placed on. We were able to find a weaker magnet which we were also able to cut to the perfect shape and size to fit the cursor, which gave us a much better effect with the movement of it.
One of our actors could no longer make it so we had to cut one of the characters and divide the lines between the four actors so that it would still make sense to the audience and they wouldn't be able to tell that we were missing an actor. This made preparation take longer than expected as the remaining actors had to learn the extra lines. We had a few run throughs before we started filming to ensure that the actors knew their lines, were comfortable with how the scenes would run and could ask any questions about the scenes if they needed to.
We all took part in the filming process to ensure that we all had a clear idea of how the equipment worked and so that we could all show the footage how we had individually invisioned it. We filmed each of the shots three times so that we would have plenty of footage to work from when it came to editing.

By Abbey Tredget

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