Saturday 20 April 2013


The costumes for our film opening sequence are nightwear. We chose to use this for costume as it helps to convey the setting and story-line of out film.We wanted each individual characters nightwear to portray their personality. For example, two of the girls are wearing button up pyjamas with colourful prints. One has pandas which would give the impression that she is the most fun, whilst the other has leopard print which is more grown up, showing that she is the more sensible of the girls. The other girl in the main group is wearing a bright tank top with polka dot bottoms, she is the more shy, girly character and her simple clothing connotes the fact that she isn't very outgoing which is shown when she doesn't want to take part in the ouija board.
The final young girl who plays the little sister in the opening sequence is wearing an animal onesie to show that she is young, naive and innocent.

By Abbey Tredget

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