Wednesday 24 April 2013

Rebecca's Filming Day Dairy

Before our actors arrived, at 6pm, me and Kate set up all the camaras and props so that we could get into filming straight away.
Also before our actors arrived i did a quick film of the begining our opening, outside in kates garden. This was incase i got to dark to film later and to see how smooth the camara would be handheld.
One of our actors didnt arrive which mant that we had to split the script between our actors and try to make the script make sence. This was time consuming and ment we where later filming then we wanted. Luckly all actors came prepared with their lines learnt which ment we only needed to do 2 run throughs to make sure spacing and lighting worked.
Throughout the evening we did 2 more outside shots, duck and night, so that we could have a choice of which one fit the genre better.
We split the filming between us all so that we all had a chance to get our view on the scene. i was incharge of the close up shots of the actors as they spoke. this was awkward due to the table being in the middle. This ment that i had to have the camara handheld and lean over the table.
We filmed the whole piece in about 3 hours. This included our problem with actors and shotting everything atleast 3 times. Overall i feel we worked well and productivly. To improve next time i would me more organised with actors and have backup scrips incase of a absence.

By Rebecca Murden

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