Wednesday 24 April 2013

Amy's Filming day Diary

During the 18th of March, we set the date for our filming. We organised our five actors to meet us the our filming location at 6pm and unfortunately one of our actors did not turn up, to sort out this situation, we divided the lines to the other actors to make the script still work, we spent an hour setting up and rehearsing the words with our actors, so they were totally clear on what they needed to say, especially with the extra lines given.

[insert picture]

During our preliminary task, we struggled with our editing as we had a very small amount of footage to use, so to prevent this, we decided to film everything at least three times and in various shots for example close-ups and mid shots so that if we decided that one shot didn’t work, we would have lots of footage to work with rather than just being stuck with the limited shots we had.

 [insert picture]

It took a few hours to film everything we needed and we ended up with half an hours’ worth of footage for a two minute opening. We made sure that we could do as much as we could in the time we had. For the beginning of our opening we wanted to have an establishing shot where we track through the house with the girls chatting behind them, however we didn’t anticipate one of our actors being missing so we ended up filming the scene later than we wanted and had issues with the lighting and we have to work through editing to move an existing shot which is had better lighting but with no actors in it and mix it with a darker shot but only use the inside where the actors are seen.

 All our actors were prepared and were auditioned so we knew that they can take direction and with different actors I believe we would have taken up more filming time as they were all focused and we were able to obtain the shots we wanted.  

The evening went well and I felt that if we were more organised previously to the build-up to filming, we would have been even more efficient than we already were.

By Amy Coster

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