Monday 22 April 2013

Final Decisions and Location

The final decision for our location was Kate's living room and garden. We chose to use this location as it fit in perfectly with our genre and the setting our film was.

We shot our first scene at dusk in the garden as it was the perfect time of day to set our opening in as it was mysterious and enigmatic, creating a suspenseful theme. We also chose to use Kate's garden as it was in the middle of the countryside and relatively small with a larger field in the background, meaning it was secluded and connotes danger.

We chose to use Kate's living room as it was an appropriate size and would be the perfect setting for a girly sleepover. The lighting was also effective as the middle light had a dimmer switch meaning we could adjust the brightness and mood of the lighting with ease.

One problem that we had was the script, as one of our actors didn't show up, meaning we had to allocate their lines amongst the other characters, causing a slight delay of filming.

Another problem we had was the 180 degree rule as it was hard to make sure we could see the actors clearly, but we managed to arise above the problem and successfully film the shots. Also, some shots had mirrors and glass in them, meaning we had a slight problem with reflections and were unable to use these shots, but luckily we retook them all at least 4 times.

By Kate Farrell

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