Monday 22 April 2013

How we will organise props and costumes

Our props and costumes need to be specific to help connote meanings using mise en scene, for example we need a red sheet specifically in that colour to connote danger, so to go through all our specific props we will first check our own belongings for any items or clothing that we can use for props and costumes.

I have many different styles of pjamas which could be used for our opening so I will bring them in and everyone else will also see what they have that we could use.

We also asked our actors if they had any costumes that we could use and fortunately they all had pjamas which helped connote their characters that they are playing.

We also needed candles for our opening so Abbey had some candles and matches which were tested out first to see if they were safe and didn't leak wax anywhere so that they were safe to film with.

Various food packaging and snacks for thethe characters to eat during the scene will be provided by everyone involved. Everyone shall bring at least one food item to be used for the opening.

Here is our basic prop list which gave us a basic starting point on organising and obtaining our props.

By Amy Coster

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