Saturday 20 April 2013

Rough Cut 1

Rough Cut 1


"I really liked the pan of the photo's at the start, it was really spooky and worked well".

- "Although some of it worked well, I think there were too many shots of faces".

- " I think the established shot at the start worked well as it shows where the film is set and maybe hints on what we could expect".

- "Some of the shots were a bit too dark to see the actors faces".


Looking at the feedback we got, I believe that we need to maybe add in some other shots to replace some of the close ups of the faces to make the opening slightly more interesting and very the shots more. I also believe we may have to fix lighting in some shots as some of them were a tad too dark, making it it hard to see the actors faces clearly.

Created by whole group, "Thoughts" written by Kate Farrell.

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