Saturday 20 April 2013

Audition script


Sam – Bit nerdish
Sarah – Girly, hosting the sleepover, bit of a bully
Robin – another girl at the sleepover (characterisation is up to interpretation)
Cassy – scared easily but gets involved in the supernatural. Quirky
Jess – Sarah’s sister

Basic setting for scene: Cassy is locked in a cupboard by Sarah and robin, Sam thinks they are being mean...

C’mon you guys, this is idiotic, look, let’s just go get some snacks and put a film on eh? You know how Cassy gets with this stuff. Just drop it yeah?

Oh shut it Sam, we were just mucking around. Loosen up! Or you may as well be playing Magic! The gathering, whatever that is...

Lighten up Sam, we are just having a laugh

Stop it guys! You are freaking me out. I think theres actually something in here!

I am not getting involved in this

(cupboard unlocks and cassy gets out)

 What the hell guys! Sarah, is your problem?

We were only mucking about Cassy, no need to get angry, nothing will happen to you we promise

Just... leave it yeah?

~Jess Audition script~

(Jess comes in)

Sarah! Mum said you should be in bed so if you don’t be quiet I’m telling!

We’ll be quiet Jess. Sorry

Don’t apologise to her, she’s an idiot. (to jess) You won’t tell, you’re too chicken. Just like little miss ‘everything’s a bad idea’ over here

By Amy Coster

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