Friday 8 March 2013

List of Scenes for Film

Cursed Generation

- Beginning scene (establishing) coming from outside, showing where the film is set (Countryside, middle of no-where,secluded).

- Girls talking at sleepover about gossip, then pull out Ouija board, scaring Cassie, making her look more into it and finds out information about the Supernatural.

- Cassie stays up all night on the internet looking into Ouija boards and finding out what sorts of things contact people through them.

- Cassie joins a forum about the Supernatural and occurrences around her area, who then gains interest in a certain user on the sire, they then decide to meet up.

- Cassie meets up with mysterious stranger who is a young man in his twenties who seems very strange but has a shocking story.

- Cassie and the man go to an abandoned warehouse where the man says he saw something strange and monstrous. 

- They both split up to look for clues, but then Cassie ends up getting lost in the dark of the warehouse, panicking and talking to herself.

- Cassie ends up out at the back of the warehouse in a dark thick forest where she hears someone creep up from behind her, she suddenly turns round to see the man, thinking she's safe she goes to kiss him, only to see him go to kiss herand have instead inhaled her soul, leaving her body dead on the ground, never to be seen again.

- The police search for her after her mother files a complaint that she has been missing for over 3 days, but the police find nothing.

- 3 years have passed and Cassie's little sister has a sleepover with her friends and uses Cassie's old Ouija board, which they found whilst clearing out the attic.

- The last scene shows Cassie's sister looking at forums and the same username(the mysterious teenager who killed Cassie) pops up, and they start talking and decide to meet up...

By Kate Farrell

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