Wednesday 6 March 2013

Questionaire Analysis

Question 1
The majority answered yes. This means that it would be a popular choice. Also we aimed our questions mostly as teen age girls, to make sure we hit our target audience.

Question 2
We are doing an indepentant film but from our answers only 2 said they perfer this but 5 also said they dont mind. We are still doing an independent film because we fill it fits our storyline the best.

Question 3
The majority said yes. This means that our film would be popular in the age group we have chosen.

Question 4
We got a mixed answer for this question which means that we would get an audience for both cinema and dvd sales.

Question 5 
More said no then yes which means we have to be subtle with the way in which we portray our storyline, and how violent and graphic the horror used will be.

Question 6
For this question, most said yes, meaning that our stoyline and messages that our film sends out must be illusive and suitable.

Question 7
Most said yes, which means that we need to stick to the certifications that we've chosen and make sure not to push boundaries.

Question 8
The majority said yes, meaning that we also need to be subtle when relating our themes to any religeous groups ot ethenicites, avoiding any offences.

Question 9
For this question, the majority said no, meaning we need to be careful when including any references to blood or gore, making sure not to offend.

Question 10
The vast majority said no, meaning that we can stick to our origionally planned storyline, but again making sure violence is at a minimum.

By Kate Farrell and Becca Murden

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