Wednesday 27 March 2013

Film Title

We started by mind mapping random ideas and listing them. this was our list:
Spirt Wars.
We found that this one was to cheesey and didnt really suit the theme of our film.
Demon Run.
This idea was dismissed straight away since we couldnt take is seriously.
Ghost Attack.
This idea wasnt really taken seriously either.
The Cult.
We all quiet liked this one since it was simple and fit to our storyline really well.
We thought this was an okay idea but felt it was to simple and didnt really have the right feel for the film.
We liked the word and decided we wanted it in the name but felt it needed something else.
The Cursed.
We quiet liked this but felt that it was quiet a generic.
Cursed Generation.
We really liked this and we chose this one because it fit the story line perfectly and really suited the feel to the theme.

Posted by Rebecca Murden but the whole group worked on finding the name.

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