Wednesday 13 March 2013

Research into audience figures

Looking at films which are said to be the Best Supernatural thillers by many people and websites and the amount they made on the opening weekend so that we can look into these films and try and recreate what attracted the audience to these films in our own way.

I started by looking at Sixth Sense since i found this to be the most well known in regards to a Supernatural Thriller.

I then looked at The Others since i would also consider this to be well known and popular.

I then looked at some more recent ones to try and see if the genre is still popular now.
I started with The Woman In Black.

I then chose to look at the Final Destination movies because even though they are more gory then the average Thriller and hasn't got a complected plot nor is taken to seriously it has a massive following and the films have been very popular.

This research will really help us understand what the audience will enjoy and how we will gain a bigger audience and following.
By Rebecca Murden

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