Wednesday 27 March 2013

Location scouting for our opening - Part 1

We need to locate a bedroom or a living room to film our opening in. we all decided that we should take a look at our own living rooms first and the move onto other locations that we could take pictures of.

From looking at the picture of the living room, we feel that it could work as we have the requirements that we are looking for: space, a coffee table and windows leading into the room. However the shots could be tricky as with people in the room, t can get crowded.

This is the shot of my bedroom. As the sleepover scene is round the character of Sarah's house, she would not have a room like this as she is more stereotypically girly and this room would suit more of Sam's room because of the 'Batman' Theme. My room is also quite small, with a big bed and would be too cramped to film in.

in conclusion, we have at least one possibility to film in and from scouting some more locations, I’m sure we will be able to find better rooms to film in.

By Amy Coster

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