Monday 18 March 2013

Institution logo research

Institutional logo's are at the start of a film and have been around for ages. These are important because the get the institutions name into the film and if the logo is good and is easily remembered then it is more likely to be remembered along with the film. Logos started off very simple and didn't have any animation or sound. As technology and films have developed the logos followed.
For an Independent company, the logo would not be as elaborate as a mainstream company because funding. So instead of making an animated logo, Independent logos are often still and simple. They are straight forward and to the point, so they inform the audience of the name and normally just have a base colour to attract the audience’s eye. Three examples of Independent Logo's are below.
Mainstream films tend to be more bright and elaborate due to bigger budgets.They also tend to be animated and include sound. This is effective due to the fact it draws the audiences attention and is easily remembered with the film. Mainstream companies also have iconic logos which are easily spotted by the audience. The companies are also known to adapt to the films genre so they flow with the film. Here are 3 mainstream logos.

This research will help us to create our logo to fit the right institution.
By Rebecca Murden

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