Wednesday 6 March 2013


1) Do you enjoy watching Supernatural films?

YES IIII IIII                        NO II

2) Do you prefer watching Independent or Mainsteam films?


3) Do you believe in the Supernatural?

YES      IIII II                    NO IIII

4) Is this the type of film you'd usually do to watch in the cinema?

YES    IIII  I                      NO IIII I

5) Do you think  the Supernatural should b glorified in films?

YES         II                      NO IIII IIII

6) Do you think cinematic Supernatural events effect your behavior after watching them?

YES  IIII IIII                       NO II

7) Do you think "15" is the appropriate age for a Supernatural film?

YES    IIII  IIII                    NO III

8) Do you think a Supernatural film could be offensive to religeon?

YES    IIII  IIII                    NO  II

9) Would you expect a Supernatural film to include gore?

YES     II                          NO IIII IIII 

10) Would you expect this type of film to have a happy ending?

YES   I                            NO IIII IIII I

Conducted by Kate Farrell

Written by Kate Farrell, Rebecca Murden, Abbey Tredget and Amy Coster

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