Wednesday 13 March 2013

Group Discoveries on title timelines on your genre

From looking at all of the time lines from the supernatural genre, we can found out that the titles shown are slow paced and not always integrated. This gives us more freedom to make our film have a more independent look and have non integrated titles.

The special effects that are shown in the opening that we looked at were all simple or non existent therefore we have decided not to use anything too complicated as it would go against the generic conventions shown in supernatural film openings.

There are a decent amount of titles that are shown which include the film title leading cast and crew with the director at the end, this has shown us that to work with the generic conventions of the supernatural genre when it comes to titles is to have the major contributors to the film and keep them spread out through the opening, making sure that they don't distract from the narrative being shown.

Our opening will have our title completely following the narrative and working with the opening so it looks as if it is integrated but with an independent twist. we shall be having our film title shown on an ouija board but over the top of it making it stand out but kept in context of the film.

By Amy Coster

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