Friday 15 February 2013

Chosen Genre

Our group chose to do a Supernatural film because we all had an interest in the theme and we had all seen quite a few types of this film, deepening our knowledge of it making it more of an advantage to research and produce.

By Kate Farrell

Genre mindmaps

 Here our the three genres we decided to look at. As you can see, we have a lot of ideas for the supernatural genre therefore we felt that this was the best genre to work with.

By Amy Coster, Kate Farrell, Rebecca Murden and Abbey Tredgett

Generic Conventions

- Paranormal aspects
- Protagonist/antagonist
- Low key lighting
- Evil
- Ghosts/demons/possesion
- Bad/sad ending
- Death
- Twist

By Abbey and Becca

Tuesday 12 February 2013

History of Supernatural Films

As a group, we decided on the genre of "Supernatural" to create an opening of our film. To have a better understanding of the genre, I researched into it.

The Supernatural genre is portrayed mostly from Independent film companies because it's a sub genre with a niche audience, although some mainstream companies do create them occasionally.

One Supernatural film as an example of this would be "The Others"(2001). This is counted as a Supernatural film as it includes ghosts, but not lots of gore or blood so it wouldn't be counted as a Horror. Another film example would be "The Ring" (2002).

"The Others"

"The Ring"

By Kate Farrell

Institution Type

Our group chose to be an Independent institution because we believe that it would bennifit us more as we watch more independent films more than we do mainstream, showing that our knowledge in this type of institution is of a high standard. Also, we thinhk that the quality of our film opening will be more of an independent than it would of a mainstream film.

By Kate Farrell

Monday 11 February 2013

Re-Make film of Superbad

Our Re-Make for the opening of Superbad

By Kate Farrell, Amy Coster, Abbey Tredget and Rebecca Murden

Thursday 7 February 2013

How we are making the re-make.

We filmed the piece in the media room due to the fact that it was empty and allowed us space to move. We filmed each shot 4 times with the carama on a tripod so that editing would be easier. The whole process of filming when well other then the fact we had not learnt the dance 100% so it took alot of retakes. If we where to improve we would have filmed it in the dance studio so we had more room and it would have been easier to filter the colours.

By Rebecca Murden

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Shot List For 'Superbad'

Here is the shotlist that I have Created for the film opening of 'Superbad' (2007)

By Amy Coster